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We are here to help.


Supporting your child to thrive is not a sprint. This is a journey, it really never ends. Keep on putting one foot in front of the other.

We have an unprecedented number of parents at the moment saying they just don't think they can do it!

We are all exhausted, this has been an unbelievable few years. But we are here to say - You must find your strength, as you just simply don't have a choice!

You are the person your child needs to be their voice!

We have to do this for our kids. We just have to! As two Autistic/ADHD/PDA adults, we are two of many who have been let down and traumatised by the systems and norms of society..

Please don't give up! You are the storm!

If you need reminding or need to vent - inbox us.

[email protected]

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